Simple black and white bluebell flowers drawing from 1859. It was engraved by Edmund Evans and appeared in an alphabet book for “good children.”
These pretty perennial plants produce purplish-blue flowers in the spring. Most plants product 5-12 tubular blooms. This vintage bluebell flowers drawing has 9 flowers and buds along the upright stem. The flowers are native to western parts of Atlantic Europe, north-western Spain and Portugal, the Netherlands and much of Europe. It tends to prefer a more moderate climate with a slightly moist soil and some shade.
The bluebell flowers drawing I’m sharing with you just fits when printed in portrait mode. (my graphics program wanted to use a second sheet but all of the drawing did appear on one page – test before printing on something important). When you click on the image shown below, you will see the larger image without the silly lines that WordPress seems intent on adding to the drawing.
This image is copyright free and in the public domain anywhere that extends copyrights 70 years after death or at least 120 years after publication when the original illustrator is unknown.