The Letter G

Glam up your artistic endeavors with one or more of these vintage drop cap letter G images. Mostly black and white, these letters were rescued from a wide variety of old printed materials. Print foundries used to sell images like these to publishers. They used them to decorate what would often otherwise be visually boring works. Now you can add them to your own projects and put a little vintage bling in your own projects.

Fanciful Letter G

Great find of a fanciful letter G illustration or drop cap image. It’s from 1886 so it is easily in the public domain throughout the world.

Letter G Design

Vintage letter G design. Black and white with flowers and leaves; one of a collected set of 18 letter images that date back to at least 1887.

The Letter G

Ribbons and bells decorate this drop cap letter G.

G Image

Downloadable fancy letter G image.
