Play Time Images

This is one of several pages of vintage images for the image category Play Time Images.

Off to the Dig

Two children head off to the dig. Could they be planning on a day of treasure hunting or perhaps building sandcastles? Whatever it will be, it will be fun.

Catching Butterflies

A young Victorian boy and girl are captured forever in this vintage drawing working at catching butterflies with their straw hats amid a field of flowers.

Soldier Boy

Dressed in a cute sailor suit, a young boy plays with his lead toy soldiers.

Jumping Rope

Vintage, colored drawing of four young girls jumping rope on a summer’s day. Public domain image, free for downloading from

Swinging Around

Swinging around – a great way for two kids to have fun together. Striped socks and twirling skirts make the two little girls in this drawing extra charming.

Playing Graces

Two young girls in their bonnets play a game of graces.

Fancy Dress Up

A young girls tries on her grandmother’s wedding skirt and proudly looks upon the train of fabric behind her.

All Mine

Surrounded by toys and holding on to every one of them – another fun copyright free image.
